Start your journey and make a referral today!

Support to Succeed is offering FREE one-to-one coaching to people looking to make a difference in their lives. If you are aged 19+, live in Greater Manchester, are not employed, and are not part of any current employment programme, get in touch and start your journey today.

The range of support includes:

  • Wellbeing and confidence building
  • Managing finances and budgeting
  • Job searching and career planning
  • Skills and volunteering experience
  • One-to-one coaching and sign-posting to specialist services

To sign up for the Programme fill out the form below or if you require any further information please email or call 0161 552 8470.

Are you over 19 years of age?*
I am a UK National or I have the right to abode and have the right to live and work within the UK without any immigration restrictions.*
Is English your first language?*
If no, do you require an interpreter?
Are you receiving any other support from any support services
Are there any risks/vulnerabilities we need to know about?*
I consent to my details being shared with Athena and partners for the purpose of delivering Support To Succeed.*

The programme is being delivered by:

Local AuthorityDelivery Partners
Bolton  Starts With You / Onward Homes
OldhamFirst Choice Homes Oldham / Great Places Housing Group
ManchesterOne Manchester / Southway Housing / Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
RochdaleGreat Places Housing Group
SalfordOne Manchester / Southway Housing / Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
TamesideJigsaw Support
WiganJigsaw Support