Welcome to athena

Working together to deliver opportunities across Greater Manchester

Working with social housing providers to improve employment opportunities, the environment, and local communities.

Our latest projects

Our Projects

Athena Apprenticeships

Athena Apprenticeships

Not all businesses can make the commitment to hiring an apprentice for the full duration of an apprenticeship. Therefore Athena employs all apprentices and we will work to ensure you remain employed throughout your apprenticeship. This means you could end…



Motiv8 an Athena-led project which was funded by the Big Lottery and European Social Fund ended in March 2023. Motiv8 received £17.5 million from The National Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund as part of the Building Better…

About us

Making a difference in local communities.

Formed in 2013, by a group of local housing providers, Athena is now made up of 16 members.

Customers engaged in Athena projects

How to Join

Why become an Athena member?

As an Athena member you will benefit from working with various organisations, from across Greater Manchester, on exciting projects that will benefit both people and places.


Our latest news